Wabi Sabi Style
Wabi-sabi is a Japanese philosophy conceived in the 15th century as a response to the dominant trends of that time, which relied on excessive decoration, wealth, and expensive materials. In the literal sense, wabi-sabi is a search for beauty in imperfection, enjoying the simple joys of life. First, the principles of wabi-sabi focus on recognizing the importance of authenticity and the desire to remain authentic in all aspects of one’s life. Wabi-sabi aesthetics implies asymmetry, roughness, simplicity, economy, rigor, modesty, intimacy, and naturalness of objects and processes. Therefore, some people see cognate traits of wabi-sabi in Zen philosophy. For some people, wabi-sabi is more of a guiding principle than a design style. It is about accepting things instead of wasting time looking for something better to see positive features in imperfect situations. However, even if you are still ready to fully accept the philosophical postulates, some of these principles may be an excellent starting point for incorporating wabi-sabi elements into your interior.
Seven aesthetic principles of the zen philosophy are amply integral for a wabi-sabi manner.
It is simplistic, desirable minimalism, not meticulous, perfect minimalism. It does not justify shoddy, poor craftsmanship but highlights the long-lasting and well-made. It appreciates all things’ age and organic nature and is the feeling of Zen of interior styling. When assembling a wabi-sabi style, what you vacate from the design counts more than what you combine.
Critical Components of Wabi-Sabi Interior Design:
Pursue a balance between ‘warm and cool’ elements to create harmony and simplicity. Warm materials are:
Fantastic features include:
Here is a short list of criteria you can incorporate into your residence:
Wood – warm feeling:
Metal – cool feeling:
Paper – warm feeling:
Textiles – warm feeling:
Stone – cool feeling:
Clay – warm feeling:
Plants-cool feeling:
To purchase the book:
Go to Amazon.com…..Search for ‘66 Styles for Interior Design’….Volume 4 O-W